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Cause of the Month


Weekend Food Program


"Good Shepherd Baptist Church works with the Leo Club and the Main Street Organization to provide weekend food bags for students in need from the Amherst School District.  This is done during the school year months (namely September to May).  Each bag includes: two breakfasts; two lunches; two hot meals; three snacks."


To learn more about Good Shepherd Baptist Church as well as to donate, click the button below.








We donate a portion of our profits to a charity or nonprofit each month.  We usually change the charity or nonprofit quarterly.  We do not take donations of goods or money.  Please click the "donate" button for a link directly to the charity or nonprofit  website for information on how to donate.

We are not partnered with any charity or nonprofit shown on this page.  We are just highlighting charities and nonprofits important to us and our community.




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